Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Freezing Rain

Monday and Tuesday we had a two days in a row of above freezing temperatures and some sunshine. They felt like Spring Days had arrived. We lost a lot of snow due to melting.  I changed out my seasonal dishes for my everyday dishes. I made three new cards, then walked to the post office to mail them out with my long distance valentines to make sure they were received by next week. I will mail out the local ones this Friday. While at the post office I picked up the new stickers for my license plate that I had renewed on-line. And while I was outside and the weather was nice, I spread my full container of used coffee grounds on one of my flower beds.

Inside I made a batch of yoghurt and baked another loaf of keto bread. Last night I made chili con carne (without the beans) for dinner with some toasted keto bread and melted cheese. I made another jar of taco seasoning and wrote up a list of spices to buy the next time I shop at the Bulk Barn. I paid my Hydro bill on-line. I didn't accomplish much from my goals list, but I was busy all day. I accomplished lots and was tired when I went to bed.

This morning was so-o-o different. It was freezing rain and ice pellets all day. It is another winter wonderland out there with temperatures back down to minus 10* C. The plows and sanders have been going constantly and the fire department has been responding to highway accidents. I have no idea what I did today, except that I had a long nap on the couch this afternoon. I guess some days you just have to give in.


  1. Freezing rain sounds horrible. When we have it (about 1 time every ten years) it literally shuts down the city.
    It was 74 here today and feels like spring. The daffodils are blooming as are some of the decorative fruit trees. I just hope I can get my fruiting trees pruned before they bloom, but then it is supposed to be warm only one more day and then back below freezing.

    1. I hate driving in freezing rain. I would rather drive in a blinding snow storm than freezing rain. This morning I was awakened around 6 AM by the sound of my neighbours chopping ice from their windshields so they could leave for work. I tried to stay in bed, but then there were the shrill sound of sirens from the local fire department responding to a highway accident. I will be staying inside again today.

  2. That sounds like ideal weather for a long afternoon nap, Susan! Freezing rain and ice pellets don't sound very pleasant! No rain where I am, but, further north, they had freezing rain and ice, just like you! We occasionally get hail where I am and that brings a lot of excitement! :D

  3. There is a lot of traffic outside my house this morning. I don't know if that means the major highway is closed again or if drivers are just choosing to take this route. The township plows and sanders are very good about keeping our highway #2 cleared. I myself try to avoid the major highway during the winter. The freezing rain continued through the night, so I have no plans on leaving my house today.
