Sunday, February 3, 2019

This Week in Review

This week I gave up on my list of goals. One of my excuses, I think, is because it was the end of the month. It felt like an additional week, and since I planned to update my goals review and set up some new ones for the next month, I dug in my heels and didn't do anything goals related until this weekend. Besides that, I was kind of snow-bound. We received so much snow Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I was outside pushing snow twice a day. I didn't have much energy or will to do much more than that.

I did look at my budget for February and I did my first grocery shopping for the month this past Thursday. I shopped at Food Basics and No Frills for the bargains. I also went to Michael's for some new blades for my paper slicer, but they were completely sold out.
Fresh produce cost $23.18  Cauliflower was only 1.97 this week, so I bought 5. Yellow onions were only 88 cents, 4 sweet peppers were on sale for  $2.97. Cabbage was not on sale for 97 cents per pound.
Frozen produce came to $24.94  This weekend I bought mixed strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries for $11, 4 winter veggies, 1 of green beans, 1 of Oriental mix, and 2 blocks of spinach. Since zucchini is now almost $3 a pound, I will make my omelets with spinach.
I paid $37.02 for meat. I hadn't found much meat on sale in the weekend flyers, so while I was at the first store, I bought chubs of ground chicken for $10 and 4 chicken legs with backs attached, just because they are always the cheaper cuts of meat. I still have lots of pork left in my freezer. However, when I arrived at the second shop, I found the large hams on for only $1.75/lb. and chicken thighs also for less than $2/lb. 
Dairy cost $25.46  I bought 3 pkgs. of cheese (450 gms each) for $3.77 each,  butter at $2.97/lb.,  and 1 doz eggs only for $2.27 because I knew I could pick up more for cheaper this weekend at Shoppers.
I bought Stevia for $6.47 (I was completely out) and dishwasher tabs for $12.99. I had run out of those a few days before, so had been washing dishes by hand. Total for these two items was $19.46  I spent a total of $131.75
Today I drove into Shoppers to pick up my 2 doz. eggs at only $1.88/doz. and 3 tins of chunk tuna for $5 (I opened one for lunch already), 4 liters of milk and cottage cheese on sale for $2.49 for a total of $16.55, leaving me a total of $151.70 for the rest of the month. I added the two dimes in my wallet to my found money jar.


  1. You did well with your first grocery shopping for the month. Would you say that this is 2 weeks worth of groceries?

    I am waiting for a sale on butter, myself, because I opened my last package of butter, the other day. Butter is $4 and up, regular price.

    My cousin gave me two individual packets of stevia to try. I haven't tried it, yet, though.

    I haven't gone grocery shopping for February, yet. I still have much of what I bought, earlier, but need to top up my salad ingredients. I'm waiting for the rains to cease before I go grocery shopping!

    1. I had planned to do my grocery shopping last Tuesday, but the snow arrived. I had to wait for the storms to pass by Thursday. I bought my limit of four lbs. of butter at that price, but it should last me until the next sales cycle at Shopper's Drug Mart, where I usually find the best price for no-name butter.

      As far as groceries, yes I am hoping this will last me for at least two weeks. I think I have a lot of meat now.

  2. You had a nice grocery haul! I would have bought 5 heads of cauliflower at that price too. Good thing about it is that it keeps very well.

    1. I did get a great haul, didn't I? I was very pleased with the meat I found for under $2 a pound. Cauliflower was being sold for late autumn prices. Usually this time of year, it is around $5 or more. I "riced" all 5 heads the following day, and put in the freezer. I can always find bags of frozen cauliflower to mash.
