Saturday, February 16, 2019

Grocery Shopping on Saturday

I woke up early again this morning and just lay there in bed....unable to fall back to sleep. So after breakfast I left the house early to start my shopping. No-Frills is having another Dollar Deals sales event, so that is where I started. I ended up at Shopper's Drug Mart, where I knew my eggs would be on sale again for $1.88 a dozen today only.
Produce (fresh and frozen) cost $28.65  (four bags of winter veggies, 1 bag of oriental mix, 2 pkgs. of chopped spinach, 2 kg bag of strawberries, and 2 small heads of cabbage)
Meat cost me $12.57 (chicken legs with backs attached were $1/lb., 4 chubs of ground chicken were $1 a piece and smoked sausage was $1 a piece) I still have ham and pork chops in the freezer, so this will give me some variety.
Only the eggs were on sale, so I paid full price for milk and yoghurt but needed to buy them in order to make my own yoghurt. One tub of yoghurt is a starter for 3 batches of homemade. I bought one pkg. of no-name cream cheese. My dairy cost $14.59
Pantry items cost $5.52 (tinned tomatoes were $1 each and the no-name evaporated milk only cost me 88 cents a tin.) I also spent $3.99 on 12 rolls of Royale T.P. on sale for a total spend of $90.85  With money I saved this month, I bought a $25 gift card to send as a gift to someone, leaving me $21.75 in my household budget for the rest of the month. I still have $40 left from my gas allowance and 3/4 of a tank of gas.


  1. You did well with your grocery shopping and spending, today. Will the $21.75 be enough to get you through till the end of the month? Will you be able to use the $40 left in your gas allowance for household expenses, if needed, or will you carry that over for gas, next month?

    Why not use some of your current batch of homemade yogurt as the starter for your next batch? I don't always make homemade yogurt continuously, batch after batch, but, I've used a bit of the homemade yogurt as the starter for the next batch a couple of times (at the end of which, I'll be tired of having yogurt and go without making it for some time). I don't have a yogurt maker, as such. I boil the milk in a pan, pour into a shallow dish, add the starter, and leave in a warm place until it sets (usually overnight in an oven that has been preheated for a bit and then, turned off).

  2. Thank you Bless. I am happy with my shopping today AND through the whole month of February. I think I did extraordinarily well finding some bargains. I wanted to be able to send a small gift card to my daughter to help with some extras, and I was able to do that this month. The $40 for gas will be available to me for today's lunch out, so that I won't have to remove any more money from my bank account. My end-of-month is only 9 days away (when my pension cheques arrive for March), and I cannot see needing to buy anything before then; but I do still have the $21.75

    The batch of yoghurt that I just finished up was made from the batch of yoghurt I made the week before. I may misunderstand the instructions from the yoghurt maker, but I thought it was advisable to only use the starter from the previous batch ONCE only. My understanding then, was to use fresh starter every other batch. Rather than have the large container go bad, I have been using some to make each new batch, and then finally end by making a batch from the last homemade tray of yoghurt. Maybe I should consider buying the starter in powder form, so each starter makes two batches. It may be much cheaper still.

  3. Well done on the shopping! I am hoping for at least one more week of lower cauliflower prices so I can snag several. I don't make yogurt at all but have been looking at buttermilk starter. I use it in cooking mainly but the stuff bought in the stores is made from non-fat milk so it becomes a carb issue. I think I can make it from half an half or possibly heavy cream.

  4. I hope you continue to benefit from lower cauliflower prices as well, since you rely on it for many of your dinner menu ideas, as do I.
