Monday, February 18, 2019

Family Day: Daybook, Monday, Feb. 18/19

Canadians are celebrating a holiday today. Whether it is called Louis Riel Day, Islander  Day, Heritage Day or Family Day, it is a statutory holiday.  It only affects me because most places of business are shut down. Yesterday I made sure I picked up my prescription renewals on my way back from the restaurant where we were celebrating the birthday of one of my friends.  Today I prepared cards to place in the mail tomorrow. I wrote out 3 encouragement cards, 2 birthday cards and one "Thinking of You". I also got a phone call from a long-time friend (55 years and counting) and we talked each other's ear off. You know the kind of friend that you may not speak with for 6 months at a time, but when you do catch up with her it is like you just spoke with her the night before? That is the kind of friend I talked with this morning.

Outside my is sunny, bright and cold.

I am thinking.....of the wonderful time we all had yesterday afternoon in Rockport, where we gathered to celebrate the birthday of a friend. The restaurant was a casual dining place with a great stone fireplace and a kind of roadhouse feel. The company is always lively and engaging.

I am thankful many wonderful friends.

From the kitchen.....I made another batch of yoghurt this morning.

I am wearing.....the same thing I wore to lunch jeans, a turquoise and black checked shirt and fuzzy black socks.

I am creating.....a lot of kids' cards to have ready to send to my grand kids.

I am going.....nowhere today. Everything is closed.

I am hoping.....I have sent out my birthday cards on time.

I am hearing.....just the hum of my desk top computer.

Around the floors need vacuuming still. *blush* I have little shreds of paper being tracked through the house from my paper shredder which I was using again last week.

One of my favourite things.....lately, is my yoghurt maker.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....include me being away for the weekend. I will drive to Smiths Falls on Friday afternoon to stay with my brother and SIL. On Saturday, she and I will attend a baby shower for her oldest daughter (my niece). I will stay over again on Saturday night and return this Sunday.

Goals for the Week

  • Print out Week 8 of the 10-minute decluttering tasks and do as many as possible.
  • mail out 3 "Thinking of You" cards this week
  • work on my embroidery project for the satin pillow cases
  • work on the scrap booking project
  • dusting and vacuuming the downstairs floors and the staircase
  • go through and purge the books from my computer room
In case you don't recognize them, these are the same ones from last week which I never got around to. Not only that, but I don't have a photo to share with you today. I am really slacking off.


  1. How wonderful to have a good friend like that and to get a call from her! And to celebrate another friend's birthday with a meal out, yesterday. :)

    It is a holiday, here, too - Presidents' Day. Many offices and schools are closed, but the shops are open and are having Presidents' Day sales.

    It's OK to have a week off from housework, etc., every now and then. Just think of it as being on vacation!

    Hope the week ahead will be a good one and your upcoming visit with family will be fun and everyone has a good time at the baby shower. :)

  2. I am so very lucky to have the friends I do. I spent Family Day at home, but catching up with family members via facebook messaging. I did a little bit of work on my embroidery, but not a lot. It was another very relaxed day.

  3. Glad you have a weekend away to look forward to.
    The wonderful thing about goals is that they are moveable. I should know, I have to change and rearrange mine all the time.
    Don't even mention anything about vacuuming. The weather is changing here and Shelby has started losing her winter coat!

  4. Oh my! What kind of dog is Shelby? Fortunately, I don't have a cat or a dog at the present time; otherwise, I would be MORE than embarrassed with the state of my floors. It sure makes a difference not having a pet.

    I guess my month of February is very fluid when it comes to goal keeping. Ha.

  5. I just found your blog a few days ago from hopping around but I am thoroughly enjoying it , and have become a loyal fan already!
    Enjoy your trip and time with family

  6. Thank you Helen and welcome. My little blog was started a few years ago to keep my family and friends informed of my daily goings-on. I live alone now and I found my days were spent replying to emails sent by family members inquiring after me. Though it is very nice to know how much they care, I was constantly having to repeat myself; so, I decided to do a blog for their benefit. And I should add, it is also for my benefit because it is a form of journaling for me. My life is not exciting, but neither is it boring.
