Thursday, February 21, 2019

Yesterday Was My Birthday

I "celebrated" my  69th birthday yesterday. I did not have a special dinner, have people over, or eat cake; but I received lots and lots of wishes by phone, cards, email and face book messaging. I have been receiving gifts since the weekend and I have been spoiled. My sister suggested I give myself a spa day but there was no uninterrupted time for that. I worked on my latest embroidery project between birthday greetings. And I waited until today to have my spa treatments at home. I first washed my hair and put in some Argon oil to leave in after my conditioning treatment. I wore a facial mask for moisturizing before slipping into a hot bath with a strawberry bath bomb. I used a pumice stone on my feet after soaking a good long time, gave myself a pedicure before slathering foot cream all over my soles, and finally put on some new fuzzy socks that was part of a huge gift from a good friend. She gave me lots of gift cards that I will be able to use over the next few weeks. 

I have decided to leave for Smiths Falls around 11 AM tomorrow, so I can accompany my SIL to Ottawa. My niece works at one of the museums there and she would like to give me a tour before we all drive back home for the baby shower that will be happening on Saturday. This afternoon I shredded and cooked a second cabbage to take with me, since I will be staying there until Sunday. I will wrap the baby's gift in a little while and pack an overnight bag. I am very much looking forward to a weekend away.

Yesterday I received my insurance renewals with the recalculated schedules. I am saving $80.50 a month by talking with my representative last week. Yay! That is a big chunk of change.

I probably won't be posting now until Sunday, so have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Susan! I'm sorry I'm a day late in wishing you, but please know that the wishes are no less sincere for being late. Wish you all the best for yesterday, today, and all the tomorrows to come. May you be blessed with good health, happiness, and enough for all your needs and a little bit extra for your wants, as well.

    Have a safe drive and enjoy your weekend with family and friends. Take care.

    1. Don't apologize for wishing me late. I purposely didn't mention my birthday until after it had passed. Thank you kindly for your wishes for the coming year. I very much appreciate them.

  2. Happy Birthday a day late, Susan. Hope you have a wonderful trip and what is more wonderful than celebrating a new life!

    1. Thank you Anne. It looks like a good day for traveling and I shall be leaving in a little bit. Yes, celebrating a new arrival is such a joyous time. My niece and her husband did not want to know the gender of their unborn which adds another degree of hope and expectation to the event.
