Monday, July 27, 2015

A Birthday week-end

Burgundy and green beans from my garden

On Saturday I was expecting sunny weather to work outside, but it rained all night into the morning.  I washed two large loads of laundry anyway and hung outside on the line. It was humid and overcast most of the day, but eventually the sun did make an appearance. I brought the dry clothes in just as it started raining again. 
I decided to make up a new recipe for dinner using 2 cups of previously cooked and cubed chicken taken from the freezer. The recipe for Honey Mustard Chicken came from this blog called My Abundant Life. I needed one cup of cooked beans, so I went out to my garden to see if it could be done. Yes. But in picking them, I got eaten alive by mosquitoes. And just look at the colour of that burgundy. Beautiful. However, when you cook them, they turn green. But raw in a salad or a raw veggie tray, they are striking. I put my serving over cooked rice that I also dragged out of the freezer; but I served my husbands with a baked potato, which he likes more than rice. We both liked this recipe. 

This is a lazy version of a home-made card.

My granddaughter's birthday party theme was Disney's "Frozen", so I decided  to make her a "frozen" card by just printing out a coloured picture from a Free site. I ran the picture through a second time to print out her name on the front of the card (under the post-it that says GD#3   granddaughter #3) I mounted the picture on the purple mat and then on a white card base. I coloured over the blue dress and the snowflakes with a clear Wink of Stella shimmer pen to add some sparkle. 

The main centerpiece for the Frozen Birthday table was a pinata

Since the family has just recently moved less than a month ago, my 6-yr. old granddaughter does not know anyone in her neighbourhood yet. It would have been just a family birthday with both sets of grandparents, but fortunately her very Best Friend and her parents from the old neighbourhood made the long trip in for the party. They hadn't seen each other since the last day of school. It was very exciting. Coming back yesterday, we took the 404 to the 401. It only took 2 hours and 45 minutes to get home. Not too shabby. How was your weekend? 

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I would love to try burgundy beans that turn green when cooked! Here it's been raining for days and I haven't really been outside so I'm not sure what our mosquito situation is but it's probably not good. And me with my open bins of water everywhere... I ought to go and dump them, especially since the first case of West Nile virus in our state this year was discovered just last week, I believe. The thing is, I have tadpoles in almost all of my bins and I think they're eating the mosquito larvae.

    Happy birthday to your grand-daughter! How creative of you to make your own card, even if "all you did" was putting glitter on a picture you printed yourself. I don't know about Canada but the price of greeting cards down here is frightening, If you want any kind of good quality card, it will set you back at least $3-$4.
