Monday, July 13, 2015

Busy week-end

Red lettuce coming up in my deck planter

I spent the weekend indoors, cleaning and sorting. It was too hot and humid to work outside, so I finally broke down and put the air conditioning unit in my upstairs bedroom window and proceeded to go through some boxes and Rubbermaid tubs to decide what needed to go. I did several loads of laundry and hung them outside on the line. I did some vacuuming and cleaned one of the bathrooms. I even got my husband to purge his closet. He is donating some good clothes that no longer fit him, to a friend. He got rid of two large garbage bags of clothes that I put out into the driveway this morning for the Cerebral Palsy pick-up. They will get the $ donation when they deliver to the Thrift store. Next, I will go through his dressers to get rid of lots of T-shirts. Some of his clothes are just too badly stained to be any good to someone else. I still put them in the donation bag, because if they are unusable, they will be ripped up and sold as rags to other organizations. 

Yesterday I made chicken soup for lunches this week. I also made more doggie bisquits. We had hamburgers on one night, and hotdogs on another night. I really didn't feel like cooking. Notice that I baked cookies for the dog, but didn't feel like putting a meal together for myself and my husband. 

This morning I helped my Sweetie Pie install a ceiling fan in the living room. There was a light fixture in that room but we never used it, preferring instead to use lamps in the evening. This was a ceiling fan that we already owned, so no additional cost. 

My husband picked up 3 loaves of whole wheat bread for 95 cents each on Friday afternoon; otherwise, it was a no-spend week-end. We didn't spend anything today. 

I did not get any freebies this week at all. Boo. But I did add $1.55 to my "found money" jar this week. ( 3 dimes while vacuuming, and $1.25 in my white canvas bag when I emptied it to wash it on Saturday.) I will be travelling to Smith Falls this coming week-end, and I know I will be gifted some "stuff". News on Monday. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous that you're able to grow lettuce in the summer! I'm going to try and start some seeds indoors in the next couple of weeks to see what grows. We're supposed to be able to sow seeds outdoors in August but the soil will be way too hot.

    I cooked burgers for dinner on Saturday too and I defrosted hot links for tonight. After a month of not having to cook, I don't feel too motivated to get started again! But I will spend some time this week working on menus for the next few weeks.

    I laughed at your baking cookies for the dog but not wanting to really cook anything for yourselves! And my husband decluttered the closet from his old clothes too! I'll be taking them to the thrift store in the next couple of weeks.

    I hope you have fun on your trip!
