Friday, March 15, 2019

The Ides of March

Hello Friday. We've had some warmer temperatures and rainfall this week although not a lot of sun. The snow is melting very quickly and it is ponding. I showed you a photo of my backyard a couple of weeks ago. Well here is another picture from the same angle showing a lot of melt water sitting on top of the ground. The backyard is still frozen so there is nowhere for the water to go and so it sits on top of the frozen ground. It isn't too bad here, but some areas in the province are definitely flooded and are experiencing problems.

I started my day today by scouring the stainless steel pot that I burned my cabbage in a couple of days ago. It had been soaking in a paste of baking soda and water. I managed to clean it up pretty well. I ran a sink of hot water and proceeded to clean counters, stove top, the fronts of my kitchen cabinets (both top and bottom), the microwave and the exhaust fan over the stove. I emptied the sink and filled it up again to wash all of the stamps I used this week in my card making.

I went out into the front yard to spread crushed egg shells and a full tin of used coffee grounds over my front flower beds. I just threw them on top of the ground and I will work them into the soil this spring after it has has warmed. I baked a loaf of keto bread and shredded the second half of the cabbage head and sauteed. I didn't burn it this time. I will have it tonight for dinner with a smoked sausage I bought last month and some leftover broccoli I cooked earlier this week.  This weekend I will roast the turkey I took out of the freezer  to thaw. I'm not expecting company, but I would like to use the weekend to roast it so I can take all the meat off it and freeze portions of it for later. I can also make a soup broth with the carcass.

Dinners this week (from Friday to last night)
Ham slices and creamed cabbage
Chili with sour cream and grilled keto bread
Porkchops in a cheesy veggie  casserole
Roasted chicken and vegetables
Leftover ham slices with veggies  (green beans, spinach, broccoli and cauli)
Fried ground chicken with creamed cabbage and broccoli
Chili over cauli rice

I still have not introduced new recipes, but I am so enjoying my creamed veggies still.


  1. I have noticed you are doing the grilled keto bread a lot lately. It is so much better that way.
    I know you are ready for the big melt. This still looks like a boatload of snow to these Southern eyes.

    1. Oh my gosh, Anne. I love this grilled bread. It gets so toasty and buttery, what's not to love? I'm so glad you shared this with me.

      Yes, I am wanting Spring to happen but knowing at the same time that this is not the end of snow for a while. We will still be getting snow flurries for a while yet, but at least the big melt has started.

  2. Ooh, if it gets cold and freezes again, you'll have your own, private ice skating rink! Lucky you! I agree with Anne, looks like a lot of snow, still!

    You accomplished a lot, today! Glad you were able to scrub your burnt pan! That's always fun, isn't it? :D I think it's fine not to introduce new recipes as long as you enjoy eating what you are cooking right now.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, Susan.

  3. My front yard is pretty bare. I can see the ground except for a little bit on either side of, and at the top of the drive, where I had been piling snow when shovelling. But we will get more snow before Spring.

    I guess my motivation yesterday was running the sink with hot, soapy water. I started with the stovetop and then just kept on going. By the time the water cooled off a bit, I had washed down all those surfaces. Boy did it need a good clean. I need to get started on the walls soon.
