Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday morning

It is after noon already. I just don't know where time goes anymore. I have taken a phone call and a face-time message and I have only written one long awaited email response to one of my SILs who is married to my youngest brother. I have quite a few more that I need to write. If I can push away from the computer in the mornings, I seem to get more done. However, there are times when it is important to maintain communications within the family and other things must wait.

Yesterday I had already watered my plants and made a big pot of turkey and vegetable soup by this time. I was also able to scour my bathtub and clean my hanging shower shelves. I got rid of empty containers and product that is very old and which I will not use any more. There were some soap slivers and used razor blades that also went into the trash. I don't know why I don't dispose of them immediately like I do with the contents of my medicine cabinet. I washed the shelves thoroughly of any soap scum, ran it through the dishwasher with my dishes last night and it looks great now. The tub enclosure wasn't bad at all, so I left that for the next time. So there is another item off my to-do list. Yay!

So after lunch yesterday, I prepared some bookplates that I will gift my grandchildren with. I found them on-line as a free colour printable and I thought they were adorable. They are quotations about libraries and books that have been taken from the Lemony Snickett series of books for 8-12 year olds, and right away I thought of one of my grand daughters. So after I printed out the 12 different book plates, I attached 2-way tape to the backs of them so she can sign her name and affix them to the front inside covers of her books at home. After that, I attached some different  printed birthday sentiments inside the birthday cards I have made and constructed a gift box to keep them in. (These are the ones I made for my niece). So this was the "paper work" I got caught up with yesterday.
Before making supper, I laid down some brown paper and newspapers to protect my floor while I put the first coat of primer on some of the 1x2s and 1x3s I bought at the beginning of the month.
Today I hope to get a second coat on and then I will see how I feel about starting something else. It is a bright and sunny day today and that usually inspires me to get things done. Have a great day.


  1. Hope you get everything done you wanted to do today, or just had a great day doing something else entirely!

  2. I forgot that bright and sunny days also call out for afternoon sleeps on the couch sometimes. I did get a second coat of paint on the boards; and then, rather than stand there and watch paint dry, I was called over to the couch for a wee nap.

  3. Afternoon naps on the sofa are some of life's little pleasures! I like your version of paperwork to mine! Nosy Parker Bless is very curious to know what you are going to do with all that painted wood! Hope you have a very productive day, tomorrow. :)

  4. I like my version of paperwork as well...maybe too much. I didn't sleep long because I was awoken by a call from my daughter. I would much prefer talking with her than sleeping my afternoon away.

    I know you are anxious to know what I am going to attempt with my sticks of wood. You asked me when I first bought them. I will let you know when I know, with accompanying photos. I want to attempt to finish off some rough edgings around window frames and floor moldings, but I will need to find my saw and mitre box in the shed first.
