Monday, August 20, 2018

Daybook: Monday, Aug. 20/18

Outside my is sunny, warm but not as hot as it has been, with a slight breeze. The grass is desperately long and my push mower is not ready yet.

I am thinking....about the wonderful time we had in Ottawa yesterday at the baby shower.  The new mother's grandmother held it at her house, and her mother organized it. There was a lot of effort that went into the games and decorations, etc. One of the friends I traveled with  was the other grandma, from the father's side. She is a first time grand parent.

I am thankful for.....a safe travel yesterday and another opportunity to be with friends.

From the kitchen.....there was absolutely nothing going on this weekend. When I arrived last night, I heated up the second fried cabbage and ground meat casserole I had placed in the freezer a couple of weeks back. Saturday's dinner was chicken and a baked sweet potato with leftover veggie casserole.

I am capris and my souvenir t-shirt from my Alaskan cruise.

I am creating.....more birthday cards this week. I have one more birthday in August and three in September. I need to make more "Thinking of You" or encouragement cards to mail out this week, and some "Back to School" cards for my youngest grand kids. My mother moved into a long-term care facility on Monday and I will need to add her to my weekly card list. She has become too much for my sister and her husband to care for her any longer. I am surprised my sister has lasted this long. Anyways, I know my mother will appreciate getting cards in the mail, even if she doesn't know who is sending them to her. I need to begin my Thanksgiving and Halloween cards very soon and also my all-occasion cards that I will be gifting as Christmas presents. Yes, I said it. It is August and I need to begin thinking about Christmas and Advent calendars. This is when I really start to get busy.

I am No Frills today to pick up more frozen produce, yoghurt,  and pork loin that is on sale for $1.44 a pound.

I am hoping.....that I hear from the Repair shop today about my push mower.

I am hearing.....the fan that is blowing across me as I type this post.  I have not needed to put the a/c unit on yet today.

Around the house.....I will try to keep up my schedule this week of two hours outdoors, one hour doing housework, one hour crafting and one hour in the kitchen. I have never explained what I do in the kitchen; but I easily spend an hour in there every day by preparing meals, making my daily pitcher of iced tea, washing counter tops, stove top, inside the microwave, etc. I also empty and/or refill the dishwasher, take out garbage and take the kitchen compost out to the garden composter.

One of my favourite writing my Daybook posts, as it summarizes my weekend and sets up my goals for the coming week. It makes me stop to figure out and organize my time in the next few days.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....include organizing a cleaning schedule and a time frame for making cards and homemade gifts from now until the first of December. There are no appointments scheduled for this week but my friend (who has brain cancer) wants to come out with his son this coming weekend to do the deck out the back. I need to decide whether I will go through with it or not. I would rather wait until Spring now so I can save up some more money.

Here's the picture I am sharing.....
I won a prize in one of the shower games yesterday....a scented candle, a facial sunscreen of 60 SPF from Vichy, and a diffuser with a lovely scent of cotton sheets (one of my favourites).


  1. I am glad you enjoy doing your Daybook posts, Susan, because I enjoy reading them! I might copy that idea, once I am more settled into a routine! Ha, ha! Famous last words!

    Glad you had a fun day, yesterday, going to the baby shower and back. What a good thing that you had planned ahead and made extra cabbage casserole and frozen it, so you could have it, yesterday, after you came home.

    Yes, it's getting to that time of the year when we need to start thinking about making Christmas gifts! I am waiting until it cools a little bit so I can make a batch or two of jam!

    Hope you have a well-balanced week of accomplishments ahead, Susan. I really like your 2 hrs. in the garden, 1 hr. of housework, etc., schedule. :)

  2. Well Bless, I got my slightly more than two hours weeding done. With phone calls and an "over the backyard fence visit" with my next-door neighbour, I didn't stop for a break (lunch) until 2 PM. Afterwards I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Working in the sun and a full belly did me in. So I didn't wash any windows, make any cards, or even go for groceries. I submitted to sleep for almost 3 hours AND it did not effect my bedtime last night either. I guess I needed my sleep more.
