Saturday, August 25, 2018


It is a Saturday evening. I am going to sit down now and eat my supper and then watch some Netflix. I am so tired and sore, I can barely move. It was just my friend and his son that came to work at my house today. I dragged heavy branches and lifted them into the trailer in the back yard. We won't have a chain saw for a couple of weeks, but all the smaller branches have been removed. If the tree comes down, it cannot do very much damage.
The very large branches are laid bare and it will be easy to remove in about 3 weeks time. I still have brush to remove over the next few days and then I will be able to get a lawn mower in close. Homework assignment #1.
We also measured and cut all the timbers for the walkway and steps for the front of the house. I now know what his vision was for finishing this project, so I will be able to fill the structure with gravel and patio stones to finish it off. Assignment #2. I will be able to finish these off myself now. I am so grateful for all the help today. I spent about 6 hours working outdoors today, and have I mentioned that I can barely move?
I will add more landscaping fabric to the area on the right so there will be roughly the same area on both sides of the walkway covered in gravel.


  1. My goodness, Susan! I hope you were able to get a good soak in some Epsom salts over the weekend for your sore muscles! That is a huge amount of work you did!

    Oh, I like how your front deck and steps are shaping up! There is an Asian/Japanese garden like feel to it. I think it will look lovely once it is done.

  2. I was very sore Saturday night but yesterday I felt good enough to move furniture around. Then this morning I went outside to finish up the steps. It was more of the heavy lifting kind of work, so now I am feeling very tired...not sore. I think maybe a short nap will refresh me so I can get my cards made for tomorrow and get my weekend laundry folded and put away.
