Monday, January 28, 2019

Daybook: Monday, Jan. 28/19

Outside my is clear, cold and sunny. It is presently minus 20 *C or minus 4*F My driveway is shoveled because I was outside for an hour again yesterday clearing the snow.

I am thinking.....that this is the last week of January and the first week of February. It will be time to examine my goals update for the month.

I am thankful for.....being able to stay in my home for another year after my husband's passing.

From the kitchen.....I baked a keto loaf and made more yoghurt. I spent quite a bit of time on Saturday cleaning the  filter and sprayer arm and the inside of my dishwasher with baking soda.

I am denim jeans, my gray flutter sweater, my red hooded sweater and red and gray striped socks (with red knit slippers). I am bundled against the cold.

I am paper crafts for the time being. I did finish an embroidery project yesterday.

I am going.....nowhere today, I don't think. I may have to go out tomorrow, so plan on doing several errands at once.

I am hoping.....the weather remains favourable tomorrow for when I need to go into Kingston to attend a follow-up to my Cravings Workshop.

I am hearing.....Pop classical music right now on my Amazon Echo (specifically "The Cello Song" by the Piano Guys.)  I got this wonderful gift at Christmas from my Dad and Dee, but because I was already having problems with using up increased bandwidth, I was NOT using it. Now that I am paying for  unlimited Wifi, I have discovered the joys of listening to music again in my house.

Around the dining table is piled high with scrap booking materials waiting for me to get back into it. I have another embroidery project waiting for me to begin. My valentines are waiting to go into the mail early next week.

One of my favourite the ability to craft and do the things I love.

A few plans for the rest of the week......include a final appointment with the "cravings" workshop tomorrow afternoon at 1:30. I also need to do a grocery shopping trip to stock up again for February.

Weekly Goals:

  • Send 3 cards out
  • Print out today's 10 minute decluttering tasks, and try to get as many done this week as possible. 
  • Pick up new blades for my paper slicer so I can back to my scrap booking project.
  • Do a monthly goals update.
  • Make up a list of February goals.
Here is a photo I am sharing.....
Before Christmas I ordered 2 pkgs. or 14 flour sack tea towels. I embroidered 13 as gifts and had one left over. Yesterday I finished this one with yet another kitchen quote.----Kitchen Rules: The last day to complain was yesterday. I will put this away until I need another gift.


  1. Oh, my! That is COLD! I don't know what the temperature outside is, it's a cloudy day over here, but my heater is on, I am wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt with a knitted cardigan and a pair of socks! And seated right in front of the heater, too! Dancer is sleeping on his towel, next to my chair, right in front of the heater, himself. It is the warmest spot in the house!

    Not sure if you saw my follow up comment on yesterday's post, Susan, but I asked if you've tried making cottage cheese or if you can use your homemade yoghurt instead (you had said less cottage cheese and berries).

    Ha, ha, I love the saying on the kitchen towel! Fortunately, there is no one here to complain! Only Dancer and he did that only when his mouth was hurting!

    Hope your week is off to a good start!

  2. No, I have never made cottage cheese. I understand that I would need some rennet. It means heating milk on the stove twice over very low heat and careful monitoring with a thermometer. It needs to be strained through cheesecloth and I would try anything once, so I will let you know if I try this myself. I have been eating my blueberries with my homemade yoghurt and it is really, really good. It is cheaper to make my own right now, so that's a bonus.

    1. I've seen some recipes for cottage cheese using buttermilk - apparently, no other ingredients are needed (no rennet) and all you have to do is heat the milk (but don't let it boil) without stirring - the curds will start to form. Take if off the heat before it comes to a boil, cool it a bit, then, strain it. Sounds easy, doesn't it? I don't know how much buttermilk costs, though. Do a search for buttermilk cottage cheese. :)

  3. I will definitely do a search, Bless. That sounds incredibly easy.

  4. Susan, just wanted to check in to see how you are doing. If there is anything I can do, please let me know (my email is at the top of my blog). Hope you are well. (((HUGS)))
