Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday Shopping

Yesterday was the funeral for my friend who died just before Christmas. I had a good visit with each of the kids and his wife and stayed for the service, of course. I did not stay for the lunch afterwards. I will be driving out to see the family tomorrow. As soon as I returned home, I lay on the couch and slept the rest of the afternoon. I have been feeling so very tired this past week.

Today I traveled into Kingston and shopped at four stores.....3 grocery shops and a walk-about through Value Village Thrift Store. I wanted to go to Food Basics today for some pork loin specials, and since the Thrift Store is in the same mall, I decided to check it out. I spent a lot of time checking out the craft section. I considered the wood block stamps too expensive, and since I haven't a knitting project in mind or even know what weight of wool I would need, I didn't buy anything there. I looked at jeans, but decided I don't need any more. I have enough jeans that there is always a clean pair to put on. I found a bag of  four "never been opened Christmas crafts" from Dollarama and Michael's which I immediately grabbed to put in my gift trunk for next year's Advent calendars. The four brand new gifts cost me a total of 55 cents. I am sure that had I not found this grab bag, I would have walked out of the store and not spent any money at I am jazzed about that.

I bought a few specials at Food Basics before driving to No-Frills where I bought the bulk of this week's groceries. My last stop was on the way home in Amerstview where I knew the butter, cream cheese, eggs and toilet paper were on sale yesterday and today only. This is what I bought today.
Produce cost me $27.49  Again, I bought every bag of winter veggies they had, even though I still had a couple of bags at home.( 2 kg of blueberries for $11, 4 bags of winter veggies at $8, one of green beans and one of oriental blend for $4, chopped spinach for $1,  4 garlic bulbs for 50 cents and 6 avocados at $2.99)
Meat cost $56.68  (4 lbs of ground chicken and 3 lbs of ground beef for $10 each, 2 packages of chicken thighs for $10.76 total,  peameal bacon for $1.99/lb, regular bacon for $2.97, and two large pork loins at $1.44/lb.)
Dairy cost $21.53 (eggs were only $1.88/doz., cream cheese was 2 for $5, no name butter was $2.99, yoghurt was only $1.97 a tub and no-name cottage cheese was $3.87)
Pantry cost me $9.77 (toilet paper was $3.99, facial tissues were 79 cents, 100 bags of tea was $2 and
no-name baking powder was $2.99) My total expenditure for groceries today (including tax) was  $116.10 which I paid for with cash. I am hoping that this is the only meat I will buy until February and that I will not need to go for groceries for a two week interval. Fingers crossed!


  1. Ooh, look at you already stocking up on gifts for next Christmas! I love it! Well done! I think I need to go to our local thrift store to see if they have any Christmas items!

    I'm glad you were able to rest after attending the funeral. I'm sure the funeral must have taken an emotional toll on you.

    You did very well with the grocery shopping, too. Lots of good deals. Not sure what "peameal" bacon is...bits and pieces of cut up bacon ends, perhaps? I sometimes buy the bacon trimmings - they are good to add to various dishes to enhance the flavor.

    I hope you are able to make the groceries last for 2 weeks.

  2. This is a funny observation about the peameal bacon. I have always wondered what American television shows referred to as "Canadian bacon". I hear it all the time. We refer to bacon as the same thing you do, which is cut in long thin strips from the pork belly that is smoked. But then there is back bacon or peameal bacon which is cured in brine and which I thought was universal. Turns out that this is a Canadian thing. I didn't know that. Anyways, this is so good. It isn't just for breakfast. I fry it up very quickly as my main entree and eat it with lots of veggies. At $1.99/lb. I had to take advantage and grab some up. Regular bacon is usually too expensive, but because it was only $2.97 a package I got that as well. And like you, I use it to flavour other dishes.
