Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tasks For Tuesday

I stroked another goal off my weekly check list first thing this morning, by writing 3 note cards to three people and got them in today's mail pickup. I used 3 cards that I had already made. I used $10 from my "found money" jar and used it to buy 10 postage stamps to last me until the end of the month.

I peeled and diced a whole rutabaga, cooked and mashed it.

I baked another loaf of keto bread.

I decided which photo album I would like to work on and sorted photos all afternoon. Of course, this is a huge project and won't be done quickly. Doing one a month is just a little too ambitious.

My pork chops are done and  I will be eating them with creamed veggies tonight for dinner. I will have some of the rutabaga tomorrow.


  1. You have had a busy and productive day, Susan. Well done on mailing out the cards and crossing that item off your list! Your keto bread looks good. I'm glad you are able to eat some kind of bread, again. :)

  2. I think I made a good choice by not making substitutes during the first year of my new diet, except for mashed cauliflower and cauliflower rice. I wanted to get used to this new way of eating specific foods and I think I have accomplished that. That is because this bread (and the Amareti cookies I made at Christmas) are positively addictive. Fortunately for me, the cost of almond flower is quite high, so I will have to learn to portion it out wisely. It is absolutely wonderful though to be able to melt cheese on a slice of this for lunch, or to have a slice toasted with no-sugar added strawberry jam. But it is a treat, so I will have to slow it down a bit.
