Friday, January 4, 2019

My Mile Long To-Do List for January 2019

1.  Print out a new budget sheet for January

2.  Print out checklist called "100 Things to Throw Away" and see how many I can check off in January

3.  Subscribe to Organizing Moms to receive their weekly "10 minute tasks" to complete.

4.  Take down indoor Christmas decorations and tree and put in storage.

5.  Take down outdoor decorations and lights and put into storage.

6.  Organize my filing bin and throw out papers and instruction manuals no longer relevant

7.  Organize my recipe binder and throw out papers no longer relevant

8.  Organize my card-making binder

9.  Organize my Christmas and gift binder

10. Organize my home and finance binder

11.Shred all papers and save to the garbage bin to use as mulch in Spring.

12.Paint primer on door (inside and out) of downstairs powder room

13. Put weather caulking around smaller kitchen window

14.Put together one scrapbook

15.Make 25 cards this month

16.Produce one gift

This will be my go-to list for special projects in January. I have come up with this list to help me get started on my list of goals for 2019. It is ambitious, but I need to stretch myself to get things started. Whatever does not get done can be forwarded to February.


  1. That's a good To Do List! You've a nice mixture of fairly easy to do tasks and some that will take more time. I think you will do very well with your list, this month.

    I'm curious about the 100 things to throw list. I did a search and found that there seems to be several of them. I clicked on one and found myself mentally arguing with the listmaker on the very first item on the list! Ha, ha!

  2. The list I am using for consideration is from Some of it is quite obvious. Some of it I will not consider. Some of it makes me think and gives me pause. But it is a starting point for purging. These items are not really for "tossing", as in trash. They will be recycled, donated, or repurposed.

    I was able to gather over 300 sheets of paper from various files this afternoon, for my shredder. Other sheets have been put in page protectors and placed in the appropriate binder to keep a while longer. That is a staggering amount of paper, but I will use some in my composter and some on the flower beds as mulch to be broken down into the soil.
