Sunday, January 13, 2019

Weekly Goals Update

At the end of my Daybook Monday post, I wrote down these goals for the week

  • take down all the indoor decorations and put in storage    Done
  • take down the tree and put in storage    Done
  • accomplish this week's 10 minute decluttering tasks and perhaps  the last two weeks    ongoing
  • start journaling again in my composition book     every day
  • make at least 5 cards    Done
  • embroider my mom's name on her  birthday gift and get it into the mail   Done
  • send off at least 3 "Thinking of You" cards  Done
  • moisturize every night     every night
  • lipstick every morning      every day

When it came to working off the 10 minute decluttering tasks, I did pretty well. I don't have bathroom counter tops in my bathroom or the powder room, so that was a non-issue. I am ALWAYS eating from my freezer, so that was hard to do. I cleaned out my pantry before Christmas and gave LOTS away to my son and DIL, so that was done already. I did however turn my meat broth from a ham into split pea soup and I turned the turkey carcass into soup as well, so I am confident I "aced" my 7 decluttering tasks for this week. From the two previous weeks' lists, I am carrying over 5 items I haven't done yet, but I think have value in accomplishing.

I actually completed 16 cards this past week. The reason for that is because I was checking against my goals for the month of January and discovered that I had set a goal of 25 for the month of January. Five cards a week is not going to advance my goal, especially as I want to do a scrapbook AND complete a gift as well. So I need to up my game this week coming.

Because  weekends are rated as lower cost hydro consumption, I generally  save my laundry for the weekends. Yesterday I did a load of cleaning rags and scatter mats. I also washed a load of darks in cold water and hung up to dry. I also worked all morning in the kitchen. I made a crock pot of split pea soup and I simmered a turkey vegetable soup on the stove top. I fried another package of bacon for the freezer, baked a loaf of keto bread, and shredded and sauteed a cabbage. Half of it was mixed with cooked ground meat for dinner last night and lunch today. The other half will be eaten later this week. I spent the afternoon making cards and enjoying a bowl of hot soup.

Turkey vegetable soup with a slice of keto bread (carrot, green bean, celery, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and dried minced onion)


  1. I love the lipstick every morning on your list. Mine is at least minimal makeup daily (powder, blush, lip gloss and concealer) I have found it really does make a difference in the way I feel.
    BTW I recognize the keto bread. I made some last night. How is your keto journey going?

    1. Wow! You do the whole makeup thing? I thought perhaps I would start off small with trying to remember to put on lipstick. When that becomes a habit, maybe I can put eyes on as well. I have really got out of the habit of moisturizing every night, so I thought it was important to make it a routine.

      I have been keto for about 18 months. The last time I saw my doctor, my blood sugar was the lowest it's been in over 10 years; so she won't see me now until sometime in March or April. I have been very, very good. Having said that, I am having some homemade split pea soup tonight because she said I may treat myself to beans or pulses once a month...if I want.

  2. You did great in accomplishing your goals for the week, Susan! My doctor would like me to reduce my carbs intake, to control my blood sugar, so, I am looking at your menus with new interest. :) I believe I will make a chicken and vegetable soup, today, and have that for my dinner, tonight, and lunches for the next couple of days.

  3. Have a look at Anne's menus as well. I admire how she is able to cook meals that include her husband (who does eat carbs). I am sure it is easier for me because I am alone. I don't even bring those items into my house, or if I do, I send them home with my guests. I think when there are two different menus to cook, you are working like a short order cook. I notice that Anne eats lots of cauliflower mash (which is very delish), but this time of year is too expensive. This Fall I will be freezing a whole lot more of it. I only have one more container of cauliflower rice left until the price comes down again. In the meantime, I am subsisting on cabbage, and frozen veggies.

    1. Susan, the grocery stores here are having huge discounts on cauliflower right now, so I bought a lot of it, cooked and made the cauli mash. It is now packed in individual serving bags so I can grab one whenever I want it. I cheat and buy my cauli rice at Trader Joe's. I know it is not cheap but it is an indulgence I allow myself. I hear you about cabbage and frozen veggies!
