Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Yesterday I could not get enthused to do more painting.  I don't mind painting, but the prep and cleaning up takes so much time and effort that it takes all the joy out of it. Rather than drag everything out again, I opted to go through all my binders to purge more sheets of paper and organize the rest of it so I can find what I am looking for  more quickly.  There's a clue for you. I chose filing over painting, which is a good indication about how I was feeling yesterday.  Anyways, it was a job that lasted all morning. After lunch I decided to drive into Amherstview to my drug store to wait while my prescription was being filled. Last week when I drove in to pick up a refill, I missed the opportunity to drop off my script so that it would be on file. Then all I would have to do this week would be to call in for it. If the weather turned bad, I could have it delivered free of charge. I have only done that once, last winter, when the weather did turn bad. Of course I gave the driver a tip, but I appreciate that the service is available.

So when I returned home yesterday afternoon I was feeling tired and felt that I could have lay on the couch for a wee nap. But I didn't. I decided to start my valentines. The kids cards take some time doing because I put together die cuts from my Cricut machine. So I won't show those cards until I have them all finished.  I only finished two of the kids' cards yesterday but I also worked on some friendship cards that I will mail off as valentines to the "old" kids in my life.

This morning I bit the bullet and dragged out the primer and equipment again to put a second coat on the bedside table and two small bathroom shelves I started. I won't be painting them until Spring, when I can take them outside to spray paint. My daughter called to tell me that she had received a parcel from "Dee" for her son. (He is the one who has been sending cards to me and other family members all summer and through the Fall) I know that "Dee" was sending him more blank cards and envelopes and stamps so she could support his habit. *laugh* It was then that I learned that he has set up a "mail box" outside his room. She was going to place the parcel in his mail box for him to find.  I felt so bad that I didn't know he was checking his mail box every day.  So today my valentines were placed on hold so that I could make him some "fan mail". That is what he is looking for. And I couldn't make him a card without sending to my other two young grands.
My grandson's thumb's up card says "Hi there, from your #1 fan" It is a combination of two stamps I own that I cut apart to make the sentiment. He loves all things nautical or boat-related, so I found some scrapbook paper with anchors that I used for a background. His sister is mad about llamas. I am sending the parrot to my youngest grand daughter. It says, "Hope you have a wonderful day". I will write a note inside each one tomorrow morning and get them off in the mail. This is how priorities change from one moment to the next. I have to remain flexible.


  1. One really has to be in the mood to paint, doesn't one? Your primed pieces look good enough to pass for being painted, as far as I can tell! I just paint, directly, without priming! Which is probably why my painted items look the way they do! LOL!

    Your cards are lovely, and I am sure your grandchildren will love receiving them. I think you have your priorities right - the grandchildren definitely should come first! :)

  2. In the past, I was a believer in putting my money into the best primer I could afford. It really didn't matter what brand of paint I used. Nowadays I've noticed that a lot of paint manufacturers put primer in their paints. However I still prime unfinished pieces of wood (or plaster board). I also use primer when I want to paint over pieces that have been prepared with another medium, like oils or varnish. I bought my primer last year when it was on sale and I was able to use loyalty points to buy it, so no oop.

  3. That is why we call them priorities. The things most important always come first!

  4. Exactly! And my family always comes first. As soon as I learned there was an expectation of "fan mail", I was obliged to put that at the top of my list. *laugh*
