Thursday, January 24, 2019

Middle of the Week Doldrums

I seem to be taking a kind of break. It isn't something that I planned but I just seem to have lost my mojo. Having goals is fine but if I don't want to do much, than not much gets done. Tuesday afternoon I realized that the cutting blade on my paper slicer is really, really dull. I didn't really notice when I was making all those cards at Christmas and afterwards because I was slicing card stock. However, when I tried to measure and cut decorative paper for my scrap book pages, well.... So I have to put that on hold until I drive to Michael's and get another replacement package of two. I don't want to make a special trip, so I will wait until I next go into Kingston.

So yesterday morning I decided to start on my filing bin. I pulled out two file folders full of instruction booklets for various tools and appliances that we have owned. Some were quite straight forward. I knew that these were for my current appliances (or not), but when it came to my husband's tools, I didn't know which ones we still own. For instance, we have three booklets for three different push mowers. I gathered all of those into a bag and will keep them until I can get outside to the shed to look for them. At that point, I decided to give up on filing for a few days. 

It was snowing quite heavily, so I decided to go outside and shovel snow for an hour. The temperature was forecast to go up to 0*C and the snow change to rain. I needed to clear the snow before that happened or it would be impossible to move that heavy wet stuff....worse, if it started to ice.

 After lunch I watched a "free" on-line course on how to get organized and  set goals.  It was kind of like an infomercial to entice you into buying the larger course where they would provide worksheets, etc. But I think I garnered some useful information from the program. I also paid for my annual license renewal sticker on-line. It will arrive in the mail within about a week for me to affix to my license plate. Then I had myself a hot bubble bath and used a pumice stone on my feet. My first Spa Day of the year!

Today I was still not feeling it....filing, that is. So I stayed on the computer and went to a new-to-me keto website. It is a really good idea to go back and review what it is you are trying to achieve, because I discovered some really useful information today.  I don't know WHERE I thought it was okay to eat sweet potatoes. I think it may have been left over from my earlier days of trying to avoid sugars and simple starches. Sweet potatoes were preferable to eating white potatoes because of a lower glycemic value, and because it was considered a super food. Well the website I visited today advises against eating any sweet potatoes on a keto diet. Oh, oh. So I peeled and cooked the one I had in my fridge, mashed it and put it in the freezer to give to someone  else.  I learned that berries are good on a keto diet, but blueberries are probably the worst choice. I should be sticking to raspberries and blackberries. I also have a few new recipes for my binder, so a morning well spent. This afternoon I prepared two new embroidery projects and started one of them.
 I am not doing anything I planned to do; however, it hasn't been a total loss of the past two days. I am learning a lot and I DID start on a handmade gift (which is one of my goals). I will have a quiet evening and tomorrow is another day.


  1. Sometimes, we need to rearrange our goals a bit, at least, when it comes to the day to day stuff. It sounds like you accomplished quite a few things - getting the snow shoveled, some filing, starting on an embroidery project, a spa day, and some self-improvement education. That's a lot! I'm sorry the sweet potato isn't included in your diet, but, good that you found out before you ate it! I hope you have a good day, tomorrow. Take care.

  2. Well, I did have a good day. I went through my filing bin and got rid of so-o-o many papers. I have lots for the shredder now. I decided how I want to set up my file folders in storage and how I want to set up my desk trays. It took all day and I am so surprised right now that it is time to make dinner and I have barely moved away from this spot.
