Thursday, January 10, 2019

I Have Great WiFi Now

Yesterday was another productive day for me. My biggest accomplishment by far was getting down the decorations off the tree and putting  away ALL the Christmas decorations from the walls and surfaces. They are all tucked in boxes and rubbermaid bins upstairs in the spare room closet for another year. Because I was on a roll, I decided to bring in all of my outdoor lights and decorations as well. I took advantage of the milder temperatures and the lack of snow to get it done. Not only that, but I was able to also take down my tree and get it into storage in the deck box at the back of the house. I didn't think I would be able to with my injured thumb, but when there is a will, there is a way. By then, I was pretty much exhausted.

I gathered up the waste baskets throughout the house and filled a garbage bag this week (with the addition of wrappings from Christmas that cannot be recycled), and I prepared the gray box for paper recycling. The garbage went to the curb last night for the 7 AM pickup this morning.  I made 3 more birthday cards late in the afternoon and spent some time on one of my hotspots for clutter. That was my dining table and craft cupboards that I have in my dining room. It isn't finished, but I certainly spent well more than 10 minutes on the task, which is all I am required to do. 

This morning I knew that the cable technician would be arriving any time between 8 AM and 5 PM. So I made sure I put out the 2  bins of paper and cardboard recycling and salted the drive up to my entrance for the technician's arrival. While waiting for him/her to show, I watered all my indoor plants very well and then worked on my dining table and craft cupboards some more.

When the technician arrived he used my phone to call the cable company to report that his "something-or-other" wasn't working. He had been to three other jobs already this morning, and now suddenly it wasn't registering. When he got off the phone, I casually said that it must be the house working against him. I mentioned that people are unable to use their cell phones because my signal is SO weak. His reaction was REALLY!!  He said that is exactly the problem. I also told him that I couldn't get any technician out to my house to examine my concerns in the past until I decided to upgrade the Wifi. I am not sure if he will report this to his supervisors, but I felt vindicated. I guess as long as I was paying the bill, they didn't see any problem. Ha.

So on my To-Do list today was vacuuming all the bits of Christmas off the downstairs floors and put back my pictures and regular decor where Christmas had been. I can now scratch that off my list. 


  1. Wow, Susan, you were very productive, yesterday, and it sounds like you have had another productive day, today, too! Well done on getting Christmas taken down and put away! I still haven't got around to it, at this end!

    Glad to read that your Wifi was upgraded and everything is working well.

    Love the card you made! You are so creative!

  2. Thank you Bless. I have now made 7 cards which is over my limit for this week's goals of 5, until I noticed that I set a goal of 25 cards for the month of January, so not too many at all.

    It was another very productive day. After I wrote this post, I tackled underneath my kitchen sink. It was a huge job and I am so glad I have it done now. The biggest obstacle was getting started.

  3. Nice card! I am trying to do 15 minutes of decluttering a day, but always wind up doing more. It is funny how hard it is to stop once I get started.

  4. I noticed the same night I read your comment, that we are getting episodes of Marie Kondo on Netflix; so I had to watch an episode right away. It isn't as bad as I feared.

    My decluttering jobs are supposed to take only 10 minutes out of my day. I guess I must be picking out some bigger jobs because it takes much longer than that. But I have been working a little bit each day tackling one job or another. It isn't as overwhelming as I thought once you get started and then give yourself permission to stop when you feel like it.
