Monday, October 31, 2016

Daybook: Hallowe'en 2016

Outside my is dark at 6:45. We have had more than a dozen children already. My outdoor light is on and I have a skull with flashing red lights sitting on a table across from our door.

I am unprepared I was this year for Hallowe'en. I did not bring up my decorations from the basement, and I didn't even buy my chocolate bars until today.

I am thankful son calling from Vancouver to see how we made out with today's doctor's appointment, which was for a full body CT scan. He had his peritoneal catheter put in on Friday in preparation for dialysis. However, the catheter was not put into the peritoneum correctly, so it will be redone a week from today.

From the kitchen.....I will be ready to do a second dishwasher load tonight. I have cleaned up after dinner, which was leftovers from the Special Meals we served yesterday at St. Andrew's Church. We served only 33 clients, so we had lots of leftover mashed potatoes and gravy, roasted chicken legs with backs attached (1/4 chicken), bread rolls and mixed veggies. I gratefully received enough food to divvy up and freeze for future meals.

I am wearing.....a long black witch's robe over my jeans and black shirt.

I am creating.....a bunch of homemade cards to give as gifts this Christmas. I also sent a birthday card off in the mail today for my Step father.. He is still in the Cobourg Hospital waiting for a bed in Fergus. My mom is already settled there. Unfortunately, they will not be sharing a room together in the Long-term care facility.
I have already completed four knit dishcloths last week, while sitting in doctors' waiting rooms. 

I am at least two more appointments this week.My Sweetie is going to the Heart Failure Clinic tomorrow, and I have an appointment on Wednesday. We are still waiting to hear about some more schedulings in the near future. There will be more.

I am hear good results from all of these tests.

I am hearing......lots of excited squeals from children yelling Trick or Treat from door to door. There are lots of "Thank you"s and calls from parents "What do you say?" Everyone is in costume...parents and kids alike. Even the high school kids dress up. It is a lot of fun. I suddenly feel very guilty for not decorating like I usually do.

Around the Sweetie is asleep in front of the TV. The  cats are napping, and the dog is watching me from the other side of the French door in the dining room.

One of my favourite the interaction of the kids with me at the door.

A few plans for the rest of the week......include finishing up the Advent calendars and the small stocking gifts for the adults, so I can start packaging them up for the mail to Vancouver. We are hoping to drive to my daughter's house at the end of November, to deliver those packages. I am also going out for a birthday lunch for one of the girls from our "Girls Weekend" this Saturday, and then to a Christmas Craft and potluck supper on Amherst Island. So I need to gather up some supplies and templates for the women to help me put together some things for the Craft Sale later in the month.

Here is a picture I am one and only decoration this year.


  1. I completely forgot to do the Day Book today! Oh well. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

    We are the antithesis of you, as far as Halloween is concerned. I made a big deal of it when the kids were little and now, nothing. We don't give out candy or decorate at all anymore and we usually keep the lights down so no one even tries to knock on our door. I had even forgotten that today was Halloween until 7:30 p.m.! My youngest son came home from school and said he had no idea that it was Halloween because he didn't even know it was in October. Now, that one, I don't understand, because we have the Family Calendar in the kitchen and it does say HALLOWEEN on it in big letters, lol.

    Little by little through the years, trick or treaters have stopped coming down our street. This year, so far, no one has knocked (yes, they would knock even when our lights were off in the past!). I don't think anyone else on our street is handing out candy either.

    I'm glad you're having plans with your friends and family to keep your mind off things. I hope your appointments this week bring good news.

    How sad that your stepdad won't be able to be in the same room as your mom. Is there a reason why? Do they not let people of opposite sex share a room even if they're married?

    Take care, Susan and Mr. Sweetie. Don't eat too much candy!

  2. Hope all the medical tests go well and the results will all be good. That's an awesome skull!

    1. Thanks Bless. I am also hoping for good test results this week, and next.
      The skull was bought at our drug store last year after Hallowe'en with 70% or 75% off. I didn't pack it away with the other decorations in the basement. I stored it up high in a cupboard. That is why I had something to put out last night.
