Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Final Harvest

Potatoes were grown in Tupperware bins

In the Spring, you might remember that I planted seed potatoes (2 or 3) in Rubbermaid bins that I had drilled holes in the bottom for drainage. As the plants grew, I threw more dirt on top. Today it was just a matter of lifting them up to the top of the elevated garden and dumping them, I spread the dirt around and gathered up the spuds. It worked out really well. Some of them grew quite large. I want to get more bins now for the Spring planting, as this experiment worked very well. All the dirt that was dumped out today will amend the garden soil, and I will buy another trailer load of garden soil next year for my potato bins.
The carrots that I dug out today
I never did replant my carrot seeds.  When my rows of carrots first started to appear, it was obvious that I had lots of soil that did not receive any seeds. My plan was to reseed those rows, but I never did. I am amazed at the amount that still managed to grow. I was very late in thinning them out, so it is a wonder that I got any carrots at all. I boiled some of our new potatoes and carrots for dinner tonight. I also boiled and peeled the beets that I managed to find. There were only five small ones. I had hoped to replant those seeds as well, but I am the only one who eats beets, so I didn't bother. I have already eaten two of them tonight and really enjoyed them. Next year, I will definitely plant more.

I picked another quart of Burgundy Beans on the 16th of October. I can't believe how prolific those veggies have been. I pulled out my two cucumber plants for the compost pile and found another cucumber on one of them. The green tomatoes I picked earlier on Friday afternoon, are already starting to ripen.

My Sweetie came home today. He was waiting for me at 10 AM, and as soon as he got home, he took the dog out and had coffee with a  friend. Most of the day he spent on the couch watching his new large screen TV or sleeping short cat naps, while I spent the day outside in the rain harvesting the garden, or in the kitchen washing the veggies. I didn't get to spend much time with my Sweetie today, but tomorrow I am sure we will see more of each other back in the hospital. Hope your weekend was either productive or relaxing......just the way you like it.


  1. So glad to hear that your Sweetie was able to come home and spend the day relaxing. I am sure it did a world of good for him. Yes, you're sure to get more time to spend with him when you visit him in hospital, as there aren't all the 101 household tasks needing your attention - or, rather, you can't do anything about them when you are away from the house!

    You got in quite a good harvest from your garden! I believe I have a recipe for green tomato chutney, somewhere, if all your tomatoes don't ripen.

    My weekend was a mixture of crazy busy (Saturday) and relaxed (Sunday). :) Hoping for a more evenly paced week ahead! Hope you are having a good start to your week, Susan.

  2. LOL. Those 101 things are still needing my attention, but like you said, I can't do anything about them right now. My Sweetie was going to be discharged today, but it didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow.
