Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Daybook: Wednesday, October 26/16

Outside my is a cold sunny morning. There was frost on the car windows this morning.

I am thinking.....I need to make a few phone calls and write a few emails today.

I am thankful for.....caring medical staff and the prayers and well wishes of others.

From the kitchen.....there is not a lot going on since the weekend, but fortunately I got a lot of cooking and baking done ahead on Sunday afternoon.

I am dress pants with a purple polka dot jersey top and gray socks. It is what I wore yesterday for my Sweetie's all day doctors' appointments. I will shower and change into something else.

I am creating.....nothing right now. I need to clean up my crafting space and wash all of my Autumn, Thanksgiving, Hallowe'en stamps that I have been using over the last few weeks, and get them put away until I need them again next year.

I am not any doctor's appointments today. We have had appointments every day this week except today. But we will need to go out and buy dog food today, as we let ourselves run out.

I am hoping.....the rest of this week's appointments go well. 

I am hearing.....the dishwasher running in the kitchen, and the sound of traffic driving past the house. The dog and two cats are having a morning nap after breakfast. My Sweetie has gone over to a friend's house with his coffee, my son and his GF are gone to work, and it is only me here alone with my thoughts.

Around the house.....I have work crying out to me to get done. I have neglected the house the past two days because we haven't been home much during the day. I absolutely need to get into my bedroom to clear up some boxes, and to take the  AC unit out of the window. I hope to purge some items. On Saturday, we moved the trailer into the driveway to throw out some things that we are getting rid of. Hopefully, I can continue that momentum.

One of my favourite my newly organized craft room. It is working out very well for me.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....include getting through the next few doctor's appointments with my Sweetie. Our Island team is scheduled to serve Special Meals this Sunday to the homeless.

Here is a picture I am sharing.....a card sent to my Sweetie by Nathalie and the kittens from Imperfectly Frugally. It arrived in yesterday's mail and was very well received at the end of a grueling day of medical appointments.


  1. Those doctor's appointments take a lot out of one, don't they? Can't really do anything before, especially if they are scheduled early in the morning, and can't really do anything after, either, because you are wiped out by then. Do what you can about the housework and try to pace yourself. We don't want you coming down with something because you got too tired and rundown. (((HUGS)))

    1. I did have a balance of housework and some relaxation. I made a big pot of Lentil and Orzo Stew and baked some more oatmeal and raisin cookies. I stuffed a roast chicken tonight for dinner, and served alongside potatoes, mashed turnip and corn. I also took some time to wrap more Advent gifts.

  2. Wow my card looks much better in the picture than when I had it in my hand, hahaha. Must be some mood lighting you're using or something! I hope you're not disappointed that I didn't make one, but I don't think you would have been impressed by my crafting anyway.

    I have been so busy today that I didn't read my email or blogs until mid-afternoon and by then I had kittens all over me so I couldn't type. I hope you had a nice balance of rest and productivity today. Bless is right, doctor appointments wipe you right out, don't they? It must be all the waiting.

    I'm always surprised to read that it's getting downright cold up North, it's still so warm here. We've just been able to open the windows these past 4-5 days only and we really appreciate it. I can't imagine having to deal with frost in the mornings but I imagine that it's normal for you. Have you lived in Ontario your whole life?

    ((Hugs)). I'm off to reply to your email too.

    1. Not only have I lived in Ontario, but Northern Ontario. So yes I am used to and love the cooler temperatures. We MAY have a snowfall tomorrow. I don't love driving in ice and snow, but it sure is pretty. We have had the furnace turned on since the beginning of October, and night time temperatures have hit -2 degrees Celsius.

      Your card is lovely. It was the greatest surprise and much appreciated.
