Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Time for myself

So the plan was this. My Sweetie would have dialysis first thing this morning, and I would stay home and have some time for myself to get a few things accomplished. But I got a phone call from my husband early this morning to tell me that he wasn't scheduled for dialysis until 12:45. So we had a change of plan. I called two people that I knew were planning to see him this afternoon and told them not to bother going because he wouldn't be there in the room until after supper. I then decided that I should leave the house as soon as possible so I could spend a couple of hours with him this morning. Secretly, I wished they hadn't changed the dialysis because I can get more done in the morning. But I arrived at the hospital a little before 10 o'clock and put enough time on the meter so I could stay until they rolled his stretcher down to the Renal Dept.

As soon as I arrived, they took him away for an echo cardiogram. And as soon as the porter took him away, the nurses came back to the room to announce that the test had been canceled. Huh? So everyone figured he would be wheeled right back. I spent the next two hours reading my emails and blogs, and playing solitaire on my Blackberry. I went down to the parking lot on the lake front (which is quite a little jaunt) and put another hour in the meter. I wanted to be able to send him off with a goodbye at least. He finally came back just as lunch arrived. They did give him the echo cardiogram, but he also was told there would be NO dialysis today. His body was too dry and they were going to put him on another IV drip. So down to the parking lot I went again. I put on three hours, to take me until 4 PM. My doctor would be proud of me. She wants me to get walking, and I have been doing nothing but, for a week now. So in the end, I got no time for myself today. I got nothing accomplished again. I grab a few minutes here and there to fill the dishwasher, empty the dishwasher, throw some clothes in the washer or the dryer, fold some clothes, make myself a hot meal. I guess that is all I can expect right now. I will just keep calm and things will get done eventually.


  1. Nothing ever goes according to plan, does it? At least, as you said, you got your exercise in. I'm sorry your Sweetie wasn't able to start the dialysis today. Was he able to void on his own at all? How come his body is so dry? Where is all that IV fluid going, then? I'm just wondering. Was he very dehydrated when he went into the hospital, perhaps? I don't mean to alarm you and feel free to ignore me.

    Could your son or his GF take care of the laundry, etc. while you're at the hospital? So you don't feel so overwhelmed when you get home?

    Take care. I hope tomorrow is better. (((HUGS)))

    1. Those are all legitimate questions. Yes he was severely dehydrated when he went in and they gave him diuretics by IV to remove even more. And where has all that fluid gone? Some went into his lungs and some into his feet and ankles and some has come out into the catheters and through the bowels. These are some of the complications.

      I am not really feeling overwhelmed as much as I feel tired and neglectful around the house. I have spent hours on the phone or on emails catching people up. My son and his GF have been straightening up and washing off counters and making me food to warm up in the microwave. They have been wonderful. They are also visiting the hospital.

  2. Susan, so sorry your plans went awry, but that seems to be how these things go! Just take it one step at a time and if you can't get all the housework done, well, so be it. Take care of yourself and make sure you eat and get enough rest. (((HUGS)))

    1. I am tempted to stay home for part or all of today to get some sleep, and wash my hair, and just chill. I might go in around dinner. They may or may not send him to dialysis at noon.
