Friday, October 7, 2016

Frenzied Friday

Here is just a short update to my day, By the time I wrote my blog post this morning and then resent it to people on my mailing list, because only the photo was sent without the posting itself, it was already 10 o'clock and I hadn't packed a bag for my Sweetie yet. I stopped at Shopper's on the way into town to pick up a few toiletries and a new crossword book.

When I finally arrived just before 12 noon, he was not on any oxygen. But that changed within minutes. A nurse followed me in to measure his saturation and it was only at 90, so he went back on the oxygen but at a much reduced volume. They came to pick him up for a cat scan and then later at 2 PM, they took him for an ultrasound of his kidney. He had an ultrasound of his lungs yesterday. A lung specialist saw him tonight and wants to put him on yet another antibiotic. They are still trying to take off more fluid because they believe it is in his lungs still. They want to take another echo cardiogram of his heart and he will very likely have to go to the "heart failure clinic" where they will be monitoring him far more often over the course of a year than only seeing his cardiologist. They have to get the fluid under control. But they are making good  progress. My Sweetie says he is in no hurry to leave the hospital. As long as he remains in hospital and his condition does not worsen, I will go to both those Thanksgiving dinners on my own. If I must eat copious amounts of turkey and pumpkin pie, then I will do what must get done. *laugh*  I brought him the DVD player and his huge collection of Clint Eastwood movies that he received last Christmas. Between the crosswords and the DVDs, he will be well entertained over the Thanksgiving weekend. I will also be spending time with him tomorrow.

Today I spent $50 on a Shopper's gift card from which I bought the crossword puzzles and the toiletries for my husband. The rest of the gift card will be used to buy bread and milk and such for the rest of the month. I also spent $13.75 cash for underground parking. I had hoped to write a special blog post today (on Friday) to summarize my weekly goals and money spent this week. I am afraid that will have to wait until my husband is safely home. It  is already 10 PM, and I am exhausted.


  1. Susan, hope your husband gets better soon. I'm glad he's being monitored and getting all the medical care he needs. Hope you have a restful night and things go well for you tomorrow. Take care.

    1. Thank you Bless. As long as he gets to FEEL better, that is all we can hope for. As all of his doctors remark, he is a complicated case. The damage cannot be reversed, but we would want a better quality of life for him. I am glad right now that they are not just "fixing" him and sending him home. They seem to be really investigating every option at this point.

  2. Susan, I'm relieved and concerned at the same time, as I am sure you are. As Bless said, we're glad he's being monitored and tended to in a hospital setting and that they're already planning on him being monitored more closely in the future.

    What an exhausting day, I hope you were able to rest last night and that today's news will be even better. Tell Sweetie that I wish him a prompt recovery and I'm sending him some more hugs (if you don't mind).

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving Dinner. I would encourage you to definitely eat his share of the meals so there isn't any food waste, but your own doctor wants you to be healthier so I can't really condone it, lol. Everything in moderation! I want you blogging for a long time! lol.

  3. It is exhausting. It is the short periods of time at home trying to accomplish the very basic things that need doing, and then the time after you get home when there are phone calls to be returned. The visit itself doesn't seem that long. There are discussions and optimistic remarks to bolster each other. And I bring him stories about what is going on with the grandchildren, which he loves to hear. I just want him to feel a little stronger and not be in so much discomfort.

    I don't mind that you give him extra hugs... the more the better. He has asked about you in the hurricane. See? And I thought he wasn't paying any attention. *laugh*
